Birthday, Belizean Style

8:42 AM

My birthday was during only my second week at site. Truthfully, I didn’t expect much (Peace Corps rule: manage expectations). And when I woke up that day at 5:30 am because of my neighbor’s propensity to blast the radio at such early hours, and then opened a box of cereal only to discover that ants had gotten to it first, I felt justified in thinking that. But I did have a birthday dinner party scheduled at 5pm, and I couldn’t help but look forward to that. The time leading up to the dinner was pleasant if uneventful, and I got ready for the party way earlier than I needed to. 

I’m happy to say that in this case, my expectations were exceeded because my birthday dinner was incredible. Held on a hilltop with a beautiful view of the surrounding mountains, I was greeted by town leaders, government officials, and other members of the community. I was moved by the fact that all of those who had planned it had only known me for a short time, and some of the guests didn’t know who I was 3 weeks ago. But they all came together and cooked a traditional Belizean meal (chicken, rice & beans, coleslaw, and watermelon juice), provided 2 cakes and a pile of cupcakes, and even some gifts for me. The warmth of my welcome, the unceasing hospitality, the smiling company of these former strangers who will be my family, work partners, neighbors, and friends for the next two years almost brought me to tears. I know it won’t be easy, I know that issues can and will come up, and life won’t always be  but the moment where the sun was setting behind the mountains and little rays of sunlight streaked the sky, while I was eating a piece of my birthday cake, was perfect. 

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