
4:47 PM

Today marks my one year anniversary as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Belize. I spent the day celebrating my host sister's birthday by making tamalitos, a classic Belizean activity. But now, in the downtime, I've been thinking about this past year. I still get the odd question or two asking me exactly what it is I do here.

I've taken lots of photos like this

So what have I been doing? 

Teaching health topics to classrooms full of children who greet me with a shout: "Ms. Karina!"

Weighing and measuring dozens of babies who start crying when they see me. 
Visiting neighbors and sampling their cooking.

Co-facilitating sessions on mosquito-borne diseases, nutrition, and NCDs.

Demonstrating squats and push-ups while simultaneously improving my own abilities.

Holding meetings, some of which were attended.

Taking trips to the many natural and historical attractions of Belize. 

Spending time with my cohort, my friends experiencing their own journeys here. 

Waiting for cell signal and a good wifi connection to contact loved ones back home. 

Reading- to kids, in hammocks, buses, at school, the PC office, and my bed.

Dancing- everywhere.

Yoga, meditating, and falling asleep on my yoga mat.  

Falling, figuratively. Picking myself back up each time. 

Falling, literally. Lots of rocks on my running paths. 

Losing that sense of embarrassment, the fear of looking stupid.

Becoming shameless in the best way possible. 

Being comfortable with who I am. Acknowledging my strengths and weaknesses. 

Owning the confidence and contentment that come with knowing myself and liking who I am.  

Fully opening myself up to this experience.

Not really updating this blog. (sorry!)

Earlier this summer, we were asked to provide one piece of advice for the new trainees. My advice? Have a sense of humor. We do serious work here, and we should be serious and professional when the moment calls for it. But taking yourself too seriously? That will just set you up for a miserable time. Being able to see the humor in situations, laugh at yourself and look silly will all go a long way in helping you feel comfortable and fully enjoy the moment. 

Here's to another year! 

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